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I will send you morsels and snippets of imaginative and reflective stuff.
I write creative non-fiction and curate inspiring content. Away from Substack, I design and facilitate beautiful conversations. I draw from a practice of conversation facilitation, creative-process mentoring, and creative non-fiction writing to help people explore their potential for reflection, inspiration, grief, and creativity to make sense of their place in a post-lockdown world.
Sign up to as a free subscriber. Every two weeks you will receive a missive containing a creative prompt, a piece of cultural ephemera, or an article to help you to connect to your imagination and creativity.
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A post every week,
On request, free copies of my e-books,
Free or discounted tickets to my online events.
In these emails, I will be sharing content that is original, thought provoking, imaginative, and playful. Images, prompts, questions, quotations, exercises for your mind and imagination will tease and probe the creative side of your personality.